Friday, 30 August 2013

Healing Malaysia Mandala Is On Tomorrow!

In conjunction with Zubedy's Say Something Nice campaign, our Healing Malaysia Mandala is on tomorrow, that is, on National Day itself!

We will be at the Ground Floor, Main Concourse of Tropicana City Mall from 2-5pm tomorrow.

Hope to see all kinds of beautiful mandalas....Happy Merdeka Day!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

How To Draw A Simple, Yet Meaningful Healing Malaysia Mandalas

Everyone can draw mandalas.

However, many people thought that drawing a mandala is a complicated process. Well, yes, that's true too, but there is a simple technique to draw one. Here is a technique that I (Khema-Yen) usually use to draw my mandalas. We shall use this simple technique for the Healing Malaysia Mandalas.

  1. Think of a theme that you want to draw for your Healing Malaysia Mandalas. Ask yourself, what is needed to bring healing to our country? Some examples could be Peace, Unity, Togetherness, Love, Kindness, Happiness, Joy, Abundance and Prosperity, Harmony, etc. Then select the one theme that is closest to your heart.
  2. Choose the paper to draw your mandala - it can be an A4 size or the normal drawing paper.
  3. Then, draw a big circle in the middle of the paper - choose a radius that you want.
  4. Fill in the circle with whatever shapes, symbols and colours that appeals to you. Simply let the child in you take over and let go that critical, control-freak kind of thinking. Let go of all kinds of perfectionist thoughts too.
  5. The mandala is completed when you feel totally satisfied and happy about what you have drawn.
Some people could draw their mandalas in half an hour and they are happy with it. Some, like me (Khema-Yen), take hours to draw one; it may also take days to complete. Why? Different people, different mandalas. Since everyone is unique, so is their mandalas.

In our Healing Malaysia Mandalas project, we would like to emphasize this: Every mandala is unique. There are no right or wrong mandalas.

Now, isn't it simple to draw a Healing Malaysia Mandala? Everyone can draw one!

(The mandala above is drawn by Khema-Yen, and is called Vascular Tree. The same simple technique is used to draw this mandala)