Friday, 30 August 2013

Healing Malaysia Mandala Is On Tomorrow!

In conjunction with Zubedy's Say Something Nice campaign, our Healing Malaysia Mandala is on tomorrow, that is, on National Day itself!

We will be at the Ground Floor, Main Concourse of Tropicana City Mall from 2-5pm tomorrow.

Hope to see all kinds of beautiful mandalas....Happy Merdeka Day!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

How To Draw A Simple, Yet Meaningful Healing Malaysia Mandalas

Everyone can draw mandalas.

However, many people thought that drawing a mandala is a complicated process. Well, yes, that's true too, but there is a simple technique to draw one. Here is a technique that I (Khema-Yen) usually use to draw my mandalas. We shall use this simple technique for the Healing Malaysia Mandalas.

  1. Think of a theme that you want to draw for your Healing Malaysia Mandalas. Ask yourself, what is needed to bring healing to our country? Some examples could be Peace, Unity, Togetherness, Love, Kindness, Happiness, Joy, Abundance and Prosperity, Harmony, etc. Then select the one theme that is closest to your heart.
  2. Choose the paper to draw your mandala - it can be an A4 size or the normal drawing paper.
  3. Then, draw a big circle in the middle of the paper - choose a radius that you want.
  4. Fill in the circle with whatever shapes, symbols and colours that appeals to you. Simply let the child in you take over and let go that critical, control-freak kind of thinking. Let go of all kinds of perfectionist thoughts too.
  5. The mandala is completed when you feel totally satisfied and happy about what you have drawn.
Some people could draw their mandalas in half an hour and they are happy with it. Some, like me (Khema-Yen), take hours to draw one; it may also take days to complete. Why? Different people, different mandalas. Since everyone is unique, so is their mandalas.

In our Healing Malaysia Mandalas project, we would like to emphasize this: Every mandala is unique. There are no right or wrong mandalas.

Now, isn't it simple to draw a Healing Malaysia Mandala? Everyone can draw one!

(The mandala above is drawn by Khema-Yen, and is called Vascular Tree. The same simple technique is used to draw this mandala)

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Mandalas Are Found in Malaysian Culture

Our earlier posts have shown that mandalas are found in our Malaysian culture. They do not belong to any particular religion or community.

Hence, our Healing Malaysia Mandalas project is open to all Malaysians aged 12 and above. One does not need to be a professional artist to draw a mandala; anyone who can hold a pencil is able to do so.

Do contact us if you are interesting to be part of this Healing Malaysia Mandalas project!

Mandala in the Muslim Culture

Not many Malaysians are aware of this but mandalas are also found within the muslim culture. Here are two examples.

(Photos taken from (first photo) and (second) )

Mandalas in the Hindu Culture

Mandalas are commonly found in the Hindu culture. Here are two examples of mandalas from the Hindu culture.

(Photos taken from (first photo) and (second))

Mandalas in the Christian Culture

Here are two examples of Christian mandalas. They are found on church windows. Aren't they beautiful? Simply mesmerizing!

(Photos taken from (first photo) (second photo) )

Mandalas in the Buddhist Culture

Mandalas are commonly found in the Buddhist culture, especially in the Tibetan tradition. Here are two examples of such mandalas. The first one is a mandala on the Medicine Buddha, and the second one is a mandala showing the Wheel of Life.


(Photos taken from the websites and

What is Mandala?

Mandala is a Sanskrit word for circle, center or circumference. Some even call it a magic circle.

Here's what the great Swiss psychotherapist, Dr Jung, said about mandala:
"I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala, which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time...Only gradually did I discover what the mandala really is:...the Self, whe wholeness of the personality, which if all goes well is harmonious" - Dr. Carl Gustav Jung

Mandala is universally in different cultures and religions throughout the world. It is used as
  • religous contemplation and rituals
  • spiritual insights
  • mental, emotional and spiritual healing
  • self-expression
  • a reflectiion of the unconscious psyche

And that is why we chosethe process of drawing mandala as a medium to bring Malaysians together and create a strong positive force during the Say Something Nice campaign.

Please contact us if you are interested in this historical event.

(The photo above is taken from the website It has a very interesting article about Dr Jung and his work on mandala as a great healing tool)

Friday, 21 June 2013

Welcome to Healing Malaysia Mandalas


Welcome to our Healing Malaysia Mandalas blog!

In conjuction with Anas Zubedy's Say Something Nice campaign that will be held from Hari Merdeka to Hari Malaysia (althogether 17 days), we, a team of Colourfool Creative Coaches, have volunteered to participate by creating the Healing Malaysia Mandalas project.

The name of our project says it all: to gather Malaysians of all races to come together and draw mandalas with the theme, Healing Malaysia.

We will conduct a mini workshop to guide and to coach participants on how to draw a simple, yet transformative mandala. Once they have learnt the process of creating their beautiful mandalas, participants cna then draw as many healing Malaysia mandalas as they can throughout the 17 days campaign.

All these mandalas will be uploaded on our facebook page (to be created), and also on this blog.

We would like to emphasize this: the mandala coached by us are not related to any particular religion. In fact, anyone who can hold a pencil can draw a mandala. Our project is opened to Malaysians of all races and religion, from 12 years old and above.

Ok, details of the venue, time, etc shall be posted later.

We invite you to be part of our exciting, transformative and historical project!

(The mandala above is titled Fertilization/Duality and is drawn by Khema-Yen)